
Large or Small Volume Orders

Transfer and Conversion Services

Customized Audio Media

Competitive Pricing





Wide Range Productions performs a full range of competitively priced CD and Cassette reproduction services.  We recognize that all our clients’ needs are unique and our services must be tailored to your specific needs.  For this reason we remain flexible in our duplication services in order to accommodate this spectrum of our clients’ requirements.  No client’s CD or Cassette replication order is too large or too small for Wide Range, and we stand behind the quality and consistency of your finished products.  Please call or inquire by e-mail for a custom, no-obligation quote on your specific duplication needs.

Wide Range Production performs premier transfer/conversion services for a variety of audio formats.   Cassettes and vinyl records don’t last forever.  Let Wide Range Productions protect your most treasured recordings by safely transferring them to a reliable, easily reproduced, digital format.  Convert your DATs to more convenient cassette or CD formats.  Whatever your audio conversion requirements may be, you can be sure that Wide Range Productions will handle your one-of-a-kind recording needs with the utmost care and precision.

Wide Range Productions can provide you with all your blank audio media requirements, either as a separate service or as part of your tailored audio project with us.  Specialized professional audio projects often call for custom made cassettes that appropriately match tape length with presentation length. Wide Range Productions provides consistent, robust, customized audio media at prices that are easy on your production budget.

 Wide Range Productions
A full service recording and production company.
Telephone: (480) 990-8163  -  email:

Copyright 2002 Wide Range Productions.
Unauthorized duplication prohibited.
All rights reserved.

The Home Of Indie Music